Load Balancing for Improved QoS in the Cloud ‎Computing


  • Ramin Goudarzi Karim Department of CIS
  • Fatemeh Rasoulpour Department of Computer Engineering, Institute of Higher Education, Tenekabon, Iran‎
  • Shamila Saeedi Department of Computer Engineering, Institute of Higher Education, Tenekabon, Iran‎


Cloud computing, Load balancing, Throughput, Scalability‎, Power consumption‎


The emergence of cloud computing technology has led to the development of load-balancing algorithms. This paper presents the performance analysis of different load-balancing algorithms based on different metrics such as response time, processing time, scalability, throughput, system stability and power consumption. The primary purpose of this article is to help us propose a new algorithm by studying the behaviour of the various existing algorithms.                                                                                                                            


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How to Cite

Load Balancing for Improved QoS in the Cloud ‎Computing. (2024). Smart City Insights, 1(1), 1-6. https://sci.reapress.com/journal/article/view/18