A Review on Load Balancing Evolution in Cloud Computing


  • Saswat Misra Department of Computer Engineering, KIIT AS University, Bhubaneshwar 751024, Odisha, India.


Cloud computing‎, Load balancing‎, Load balancing strategies‎


Cloud computing is basically an on-demand service provider that provides services on a large scale. To provide services on a large scale, a large number of servers are interconnected with each other. As technology evolves, providing a smooth and efficient transfer of data and services is necessary. It is where a load balancer comes into play; it distributes the incoming traffic amongst multiple other servers to offer a smooth and efficient transfer of services. But there is a downside to load balancing. Although it provides a smooth transfer of data and resources, it becomes a challenge due to the geographical conditions of widely spread data across the globe. This paper will thoroughly explore the advantages and disadvantages of various load-balancing strategies, providing a comprehensive understanding of how load balancing operates. By the end of this paper, we'll also conclude whether using a load balancer will help us in cloud computing.    


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How to Cite

A Review on Load Balancing Evolution in Cloud Computing. (2024). Smart City Insights, 1(1), 43-50. https://sci.reapress.com/journal/article/view/24